PMBOK 5 - Rejected
July 08, 2010
The email explained that because they “…had received over 250 applications from a highly qualified group of candidates. Unfortunately, we had more qualified candidates than available positions…” but I can’t help wondering if my “PMBOK v5 - Raise a Little Hell” post might have set off a couple of alarm bells with them too.
Anyway, apparently they are still looking for people to work on the Content Committee and Review Committee so perhaps I will get a spot there; I hope so since I enjoyed my involvement in the PMBOK v3 Edition.
I would be really interested to hear from anyone in the agile community who was successful in gaining a spot on the core PMBOK v5 committee. I hope there are some agile proponents represented. So please drop me a line if you were successful.
I've tried this before. There is a cadre of "steady" contributors. We're on the outside.
The core processes are IT focused, when we suggest EVMS from the DoD or DOE perspective there is luke warm reception.
A colleague with 40 years Program Management in Defense and the father of lots of processes at Hughes Aircraft can barly get on the Portfolio Management team.
You're in good company.
Posted by: Glen B. Alleman | July 09, 2010 at 08:00 AM
Hi Glen,
Thanks for sharing this, yes perhaps they are tough group to infiltrate!
I just hope with 65% of PMI members working in the IT space they get some agile representation, to keep the guide current. Let's hope so.
Posted by: Mike Griffiths | July 09, 2010 at 12:10 PM
What about the group that is "working" the agile tack today. I know the names but can't pull them out of my head now.
Posted by: Glen B. Alleman | July 09, 2010 at 12:16 PM